PPE Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
February 3, 2022
Video Conference Call
Attendees:                            Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Bill Thorpe (BT), Eric Mander (EM) Cody Lawler (CL)
Guest:                                   Ted Lyons, Joe Lyons

EH called the meeting to order at 3:300 pm, the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.

My Opinions:

1.  River Access

The Board discussed the recent letter received from one of the PPE Homeowners, asking about the access to the Bear River and the status of the roadway coming down to the river and the possibility of placing a gate at the top of the roadway to limit access to Lots 1,2,3,4,5 & 232.  The Board reviewed Summit County legally recorded documents and sought out historical information about PPE and Rights of Way

Ted and Joe Lyon presented historical information about the roadway, it was placed there to allow access to the river by PPE owners and Fire Department personnel.  The official, recorded plat plans were reviewed showing the following:
     * The roadway is a 20 foot wide ROW, similar to all other roadways within PPE.
     * Like all roadways within PPE, this ROW crosses over individual lots.
     * The Roadway ends at the Bear River. The “private property” running along the river was sold and deeded to Lot 1 in 2004 and subsequently sold                 and deeded to Lots 2, 3, 4 & 5. What about lots 202 through 212 they also purchased property that was labeled right of way.

The Board agreed that the following action would be taken:

     1) Communicate with all PPE owners that the roadway is narrow and ends at the river and that there is no room for vehicles to turn around.  

     2) The driveways adjacent to the ROW are private and for access to Lots 1,2,3,4,5 & 232 only and cannot be used by others, without permission of the lot owner(s).

My opinion: I spent some time this winter looking at the maps, reading anything I could find and asking questions to people who know more about real estate than I do. This is what I think about that area.

Keep in mind that in the early 60’s when Pine Plateau was started some members built their own access roads to get to their cabin sites. The biggest evidence of that is Deer Run Road that goes through area 2. Once it passes lot 435 it should have continued north to lots 448 through 443. It didn’t and those lots are land locked with no access. (See the green line on the attached map) instead, it continued down to the river past lot 332 and then south along the river to 212 through 201. Currently once you reach lot 232 you are trespassing. That was not intended to be the access point for the river front cabins.

Pine view road from the south gate, like all other roads, has a 20ft right of way that goes to the river between the lots 232 and 5.  If all the roads were constructed as on the plot map, that right of way along the river would have been the only access to lots 232 through 332. So I don’t have any doubt that it was intended to be a road just like all the others listed as private right of ways.

 After 60+ years most of that property has been taken over by the river at least in area one, even to the extent that lot 1 and 2 and probably 201 didn’t have any property that wasn’t under water..

So, from what I see the river is off limits to PPE members unless invited.

For now those lots are still registered by quit claim deeds to those individual lot owners.

“A quitclaim deed transfers title but makes no promises at all about the owner’s title” There is a reason why these are not warranty deeds I don’t believe they would have met the requirements. The ironic part of this problem is that there was never a legal way to get to lots 201 through 332 without trespassing anyway regardless of who owns the riverfront property.

Question: If that right of way was actually owned by someone other than pine plateau why were no property taxes paid before it was sold? And: with all of the roads in pine plateau listed as private right of ways can anyone else purchase and make it private property? 

You cannot place a gate on a pine plateau road that is maintained with the member’s money, which is per the covenants.

      3) Architectural Committee and Review

We are seeing an increase in building, modifications and additions begin made or being considered by PPE owners. There have been several apparent by-law and covenant violations observed.  The By-laws and HOA Covenants require that ANY structure to be placed in Pine Plateau must be pre-approved by the Board and must comply with ALL association requirements, Summit County and State of Utah requirements for any such structures, alterations to the land, roadways.  It was reported that there are several violations:  unapproved road clearing, removal of trees and rocks, placing of buildings, etc.  After all the inaction this board has taken with open gates, breaching the DOT right of way fence, not repairing the fences  and of course the fire of 2016 that hale, thorpe, mander and passey are responsible for, I have no faith in this board doing anything that doesn’t benefit them.

In addition to the Pine Plateau Homeowners Association by-laws and covenants (which each owner has or has access to), Summit County building and engineering approval and permits must be in hand, as well as any State of Utah permits and approvals.  Where do the members have access to those documents? Thorpe took them off the face book page. No documents or rules that I can find.  Call Thorpe if you need a copy. # 310-489-7546

The following action was approved by the Board:

     1) Communicate with all PPE homeowners, reminding them that there is a process in place for making modifications, additions or lot clearing.  ANY and ALL such modifications, changes or lot clearing must be first approved by the Board (through the Architectural Committee., PRIOR to any work being started.

     2) Violations will be subject to the issuance of cease and desist or stop work orders, and potential fines.

Again these covenants were designed for condos, not cabin communities, so unless you want to call thorpe every time you have to cut down a dead tree or plant anything, then these need to be changed.
2.  Snow Removal

A discussion of possible snow removal inside Pine Plateau was raised.  The Board determined that the HOA would not remove snow from the interior roads.  There has been damage done to some of the roads, due to the use of improper equipment.  The south parking area, outside the south gate will be cleared for PPE owners parking. This has made full circle how many times? Look at the latest face book entries you can see why we actually had in the 2003 covenants that there was to be no snow plowing inside of PPE. This worked until hale took over than it was a free for all. Again, the way I read the documents it is a misappropriations of funds to spend member’s money outside of pine plateau for the snow removal. I have it on good authority that probably half those cars at the South gate every weekend don’t belong to PPE and they can legally park there no matter what the bogus signs say.

4.         Association Bank Account

The Board approved moving the Association bank account from Zion’s Bank to Wells Fargo Bank.  This is being done to allow for more flexibility, as Board members (including the Treasurer) may change from time to time.  Wells Fargo is better suited to serve the Associations banking needs in most areas where members live.

5.     Association Dues

The Board will send out an informational letter to all PPE owners and request to pay association dues by April 15, 2022.  Dues will remain at $60 per lot, as approved by the membership at the last annual meeting.

6.     Annual Homeowners Meeting

The Pine Plateau Homeowners Association will hold its annual meeting on June 25,2020 at 11:30 am.  The meeting will be held at the Thorpe cabin, lot #318.  Ion addition to regular association business, members will be electing two (2) board positions.  The Board encourages members to participate in the governance of the Association by serving on the Board. I sure hope that is for this year, 2022. Thorpe and Passey’s positions are open; both have been in since 2013.  It’s time for other members to step up and take a turn, if given the proper tools it would be an easy job.

         The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Thorpe, Secretary

It’s apparent that the board doesn’t think they need to take any action to stop the damage from the cattle that cross the river.  Short of putting up a fence along the river how about a couple of well placed cattle guard on the roads they use.  Tractor supply has 4x7 readymade ones for $550.00

And thanks to the Lyons family, without them we wouldn’t have known there was a board meeting, let alone minutes. Where are the minutes from the last annual meeting?

(1photo / map)





​Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
June 10, 2020
Salt Lake Country Club
Attendees:                            Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Bill Thorpe (BT), Eric Mander (EM). 
Excused:                                Cody Lawler (CL)
Guest:                                    Martin VanAmon

My Opinions.

EH called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm, the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.

1.There have been several apparent by-law and covenant violations observed and reported to the Board.  The By-laws and HOA Covenants require that ANY structure to be placed in Pine Plateau must be pre-approved by the Board and must comply with ALL association requirements, Summit County and State of Utah requirements for any such structures, alterations to the land, roadways.  It was reported that there are several violations:  unapproved road clearing, removal of trees and rocks, placing of buildings, etc.

In addition to the Pine Plateau Homeowners Association by-laws and covenants (which each owner has or has access to), Summit County building and engineering approval and permits must be in hand, as well as any State of Utah permits and approvals.

The following action was approved by the Board:

        1) Contact Summit County and the State of Utah for any and all requirements, approvals, permits, etc., that are required.

         2) Contact the Pine Plateau HOA Attorney to prepare and send to the homeowners in violation a cease and desist order and an outline of the various by-laws and covenants that have been violated.

 Do not let the board members bully you; if you have committed an alleged violation then the board should contact that member in writing concerning the violation so there is proof of contact. Lately our board has made threats concerning the use of county ordinances that in reality don’t apply.  That letter needs to indicate the document and section that has been allegedly violated.  In the past this board has knowing allowed members to add onto cabins with no permits and without board permission. The documents say that is a violation of summit county ordinances. Mr. Thorpe when he had his cabin built failed to notify the board of any excavating, construction or drilling of a well, and even now his west fence is in the right of way. So how do they go after other members for doing exactly what he did?

2. The Board is the Architectural Review Committee for the Association.  ANY and all buildings and/or modifications that require Architectural Committee review and approval, per the by-by-laws, covenants and/or Rules and Regulations, must be submitted to the Board for review and approval PRIOR to starting any building or modifications. I could find nothing in the covenants or bylaws concerning the architectural review committee. The bylaws section 4.07 talks about complaisance of the rules. In the rules #4 is the architectural regulation. It says the ccr’s contain provisions for the committee, I couldn’t find it. The rules #4 states “The architectural control pertains only to structures over 200 sq. ft.” If the board is trying to say that it has control of all improvements then we all have problems. Covenants section 1.12 “Improvements, means any improvement now or here after constructed at the project, including but not limited to any (a) home, building, guest house, other necessary building, fence or wall: (b) any walkway, garage, road, driveway, or parking area; (c) any mailbox, sign shed, covered patio, stairs, or deck, (whether or not affixed to a structure or permanently attached to a Residential lot); (d) any radio or television antenna or receiving dish; (e)any paving, exterior lights, trees, shrubs, hedges, grass, windbreak or other landscaping improvements of every type and kind; (f) any excavation, fill, retaining wall or other thing or device which affects the natural flow of surface water or the flow of water in a natural or artificial stream, wash, or drainage channel, and related fixtures and equipment and (g) any other structure of any kind or nature”. Can you see now why these documents weren’t meant for a cabin community?

I know one of these members and Mr. Hale has gone after her personally since he was elected. She was vice president at the time; first thing he did was to write out the vice president’s position. He didn’t even invite her to the last two board meetings while she was still serving, why? Because he knew she wouldn’t agree with his way of thinking about how PPE should be managed.

There are two different sections in our documents that discuss paving. I wonder when Mr. Thorpe, who is obviously running PPE will decide to do that.

3. A discussion of possible snow removal inside Pine Plateau was raised.  The Board determined that the HOA would not remove snow from the interior roads.  There has been damage done to some of the roads, due to the use of improper equipment.  Any full time resident of PPE may clear the road to and from their cabin only.

4. It is tome for all PPE homeowners who have a fire permit to renew their fire pit permit.  The PPE HOA requires all fire pits to be permitted.  Contact Rex Feller to schedule an inspection and issuance of the permit.  Why is there not of list of who has fire permits on face book?

 5. There is a speeding problem within Pine Plateau, mostly violated by kids and guests of Homeowners.      The Board will once again advise homeowners at the Annual HOA meeting, to insure all family members and guests know and observe the speed limit within PPE – 10 mph.  IF the problem continues, the Board will spend Association money and install several gates within Pine Plateau to reduce the speeding. So why doesn’t the board use the camera they bought with the members money in some of the speeding hot spots like they said they could in the annual meeting. Can you imagine a gate every 50 or 100 feet? Speed  bumps would only be used as jumps and if they tried to lower the road in spots it may cause accidents or damage even at 10 mph. So if you want to file a complaint you will either have to follow them back to their cabin or stop them and I D them before the board will take action. I have identified members before that were in violation with names and photographs and the board failed to take any action. Maybe the board members should come up on the weekends and come out from their closed gates and private roads and stop the members causing the problems.  That’s what was done in the past.

 6. The Pine Plateau Homeowners Association will hold its annual meeting on June 27 , 2020 at 11:30 am.  The meeting will be held at the Thorpe cabin, lot #318.  Due to the virus I heard that Manor Lands had cancelled their annual meeting. If you go, remember you social distancing and wear a mask. I think they have to have at least 37 lots represented (quorum is 30%) or it’s no meeting. If no one else is going to run for office than I think it’s a waste of time to go.

Our documents need to be reviewed by a competent, unbiased attorney ( and not the one who cost us $9000.00 for a cut and paste job) who can give us a legal opinion as to their validity which would include the six months it took Mr. Hale to file them after the last vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Thorpe, Secretary

Don’t forget the fire of 2016 that Hale, Mander, Thorpe and Passey were responsible for.

Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
January 23, 2020 Salt Lake Country Club

Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Bill Thorpe (BT), Eric Mander (EM) Cody Lawler (CL}

My Thoughts
EH called the meeting to order at 3:10 pm, the Board proceeded with the following discussion and action.

1. The Board approved the minutes of the previous Board meeting.

2. The dues were reduced for 2020 to $60 per lot (down from $80 per lot). EH will prepare a letter to all owners to go out soon. Do you remember when Mr. Hale said that he was embarrassed to tell his friends how low are dues were. Seemed like that was his sole reason for raising them.

3. CL reported that there are three delinquent accounts. Some may be the result of change in ownership. CL will double check the County tax rolls and contact the new owners. EH will check with our counsel to determine the best method of collecting the past due accounts. So those delinquent accounts are probably from one year ago, maybe they should meet more than once a year like in the past where they meet 3-4 times every year. Checking with council is what they should have been doing instead of playing let’s make a deal every time a fine is issued.

4. The board held a general discussion of an appetent increase the violations of the Pine Plateau regulations pertaining to the placement, additions and construction of structures within Pine Plateau. EH will contact the Association attorney about the best course of action to correct and enforce these violations. I do agree that we need to have rules that can be enforced. But when you have a board that looks the other way for years, knowingly allowing a family to add on to their cabin without any permits, not to mention allowing a family to leave the gate open just because they were too lazy to close it. They even had photos of them doing it.

5. The Pine Plateau Rules and Regulations, Article 4, concerning the addition and construction of outbuildings and structures within Pine Plateau, were amended. The third sentence of Article 4 was changed to read as follows:

"Architectural Control and approval pertains to any and all structures proposed to be built within Pine Plateau Estates, no construction is to commence without  prior aproval'J.Why don’t the members get to vote on this? The board should only be able to make emergency rule changes until the matter can be voted upon by the membership.

Motion to approve the change was made by EM and seconded by GP.
Motion approved: 5-0

6. It was reported that non PPE residents are using the south gate parking area.  As this is UDOT property, there is little the Board can do about this issue. However, the Board authorized the purchase of signs, to be posted on the gate and fence to read: "PARKING FOR PINE PLATEAU RESIDENTS ONLY...VIOLATORS SUBJECT TO TOWING AT OWNERS EXPENSE" I’m betting that even signs saying who can park on DOT’s property is also illegal, I think we went through this once before. In fact, if I remember right, we were told we could only plow the width of the gate to the highway. Remember Hale’s ATV gate? When he cut a hole in the fence because he said it was all the members on ATV’s that were leaving the South gate open? DOT was within hours of hauling in a cement barrier to block the breach that would have cost PPE thousands. All because he dragged his feet after being told by DOT is repair the fence.

7. The Board reviewed the latest General liability Insurance quote from liberty Mutual, indicating a substantial premium increase from last year.. CL will seek alternative quotes from other providers for our GL and D&O insurance and will report back to the Board of his findings.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Thorpe - Board Member and Secretary

Our documents do not apply to a cabin community and need to be replaced. There is still a question as to the legalities of how these documents were approved, namely how one board member went out and solicited votes so it would pass and that it took Mr. Hale over six months to file the documents after they were voted in.

These board members are still there because of you, it’s time for all of you to step up and take your turn on the board.

Please don’t forget the fire of 2016 that most of this board was responsible for.


Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
May 21, 2018 2019?
Salt Lake Country Club
Attendees:  Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Bill Thorpe (BT), Eric Mander (EM)
Excused:   Cody Lawler (CL)

My Opinions
EH called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm, the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.
1. The Board approved the minutes of the previous Board meeting.
2. BT reported that Summit County has been contacted about moving the dumpster back inside the gate.  They will try to get this accomplished this week, before the upcoming Memorial Day weekend.
3. BT reported that Summit County will once again have the wood chipping program this summer, however, they have not yet established a calendar, which they hope to have ready by the end of May.  BT will continue to work with the county and will advise all members.

Doesn’t sound like any board member  were with them this time.  Good news they took my piles from last year that BT photographed and said they wouldn’t take, they did however miss an entire road plus several other piles.  Instead of wasting money on road base they should hire a tree service to come in. Let us pile up the small stuff, that’s just as flammable and let a crew chip that up.
4 .EM reported that we now have 30 keys for the gates to be used to replace lost or broken keys of members.

I wonder just how many keys we have out now and how many can’t be accounted for.  Manor Lands changes keys every so many years just for that fact.
5. The financial statement and proposed budget was reviewed and discussed.  The association is in very good financial l shape, having a projected reserve balance of $33,000  It was proposed and approved that in light of this projected reserve balance, the 2020 dues be reduced from $80 per lot to $60.  CL will contact the few unpaid dues members about bringing their accounts current.
6. Rex Feller (Outdoor Fire/ Fire Pit Permit Chairman) has reported that all of the fire pit permits issued thus far have either expired or soon will expire.  The Board directed Rex Feller to contact each Fire Pit Permit holder and remind them that no outdoor fire is allowed without a current fire pit permit and that fire pits must be inspected and permits renewed every 2 years. 

Why don’t they publish this list so members know who is not supposed to have fires?
7. It was agreed that the Board will act as the Architectural Committee for the Association.  Any and all inquiries concerning new builds or major modifications within PPE are to be reviewed and approved by the Committee.

This is what they should have been doing since the new documents were filed. A lot of things have changed since the andrus family left. Now they feel the need to enforce our documents no matter how silly they are. If you have problems with this section just ask Mr. Hale why he knowingly allowed the andrus to add on to their cabin without any county permits or approaching the board at all.  Mr. Hale told me this face to face. You could also ask Mr. Thorpe why is fence is encroaching onto the right of way by several feet. You just can’t start enforcing policies when you have ignored them for so many years.
8. There was a discussion held about winter access through the N. Gate.  For safety purposes, it was reaffirmed by the Board that the N. Gate WILL NOT be cleared and/or plowed during the winter months.  With the blind curve, snow and ice and steep hill from the N. Gate to the highway, there is too much potential for an accident. 

This is one of the few items I agree with.  Traffic traveling at 55 mph on a dry road when you are trying to exit in snowpack is just an accident waiting to happen.
 9.  The Pine Plateau Homeowners Association will hold its annual meeting on June 22 , 2018 at 11:30 am.   The meeting will be held at the Thorpe cabin, lot #318.
 Mr. Thorpe seems to have a real problem with numbers, at least this time he got the day right.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Thorpe – Board Member and Secretary
Pine Plateau Homeowners Association


Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
May 31, 2018
Salt Lake Country Club

 Attendees:                         Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Bill Thorpe (BT), Eric Mander (EM), Cody Lawler (CL)
My opinions:

EH called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm, the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.

1.       CL Reviewed the association budget and expenditures through the 2Q of 2018, we are slightly under budget on expenditures, have a $26,000 reserve and have collected all but a few dues.  CL will contact those who have not yet remitted their dues and assess any penalties that may be due.

2.       GP reported that the Evanston Fire Chief (Tim Ovary) said that this year we are seeing drier conditions now than we saw in July of last year.  The Board will monitor the Forest Service fire warning notifications and will post the HIGH FIRE danger and NO open fires signage at the two gate entrances of Pine Plateau, when the Forest Service post HIGH fire danger warnings at the Bear River Ranger station. 

3.       BT reported that the Summit County Wood Chipping crew will be at Pine Plateau on July 31 and August 1,  the notice has been posted on the Pine Plateau Facebook page, along with instructions for all members to review.

4.       The Board authorized the expenditure of $100 to remove and replace the South Gate lock.  The old lock will be sent to Alpine Lock for repairs and refurbishment.

5.       The Board voted 5-0 to NOT allow any livestock to be raised or kept within Pine Plateau.  The Rules and Regulations prohibit the raising and keeping of any livestock, without the approval and permission of the Board, which, for the benefit of ALL members, we have declined to do. When did they decline to allow livestock, they let the Andrus family raise chickens.

6.       There is a lot of construction debris piling up on some of the lots in Pine Plateau.  CL will contact the owner(s) and request that they remove, or arrange to have removed, the debris.

7.       The Board will act as the Architectural Review Committee for the Association.  ANY building and/or modifications that require Architectural Committee review and approval, per the Rules and Regulations, must be submitted to the Board for review and approval PRIOR to starting any building or modifications. This board has already allowed a member to add onto his cabin without permits of any kind, they would be hard pressed to stop anyone now.

8.       The Pine Plateau Homeowners Association will hold its annual meeting on June 23 , 2018 at 10:00 am.  The meeting will be held at the Thorpe cabin, lot #318.

9.       EM brought up the fact that some of the perimeter fence had holes in it and needed to be repaired.  CS will contact the fence contractor about getting them fixed this season, if possible.

10.    Gate security was discussed and the Board will evaluate alternatives to address this issue.  Again, now that the Andrus family is gone let’s talk about gate security. They have refused to take any action even with dated and time stamped photos. If they had had the camera in place that we paid for, there wouldn’t be any question about gate security and broken locks.  So, where is the camera and why isn’t it being used?

11.    EH will write a letter to all PPE members outlining what has taken place in 2016 and what we would like to accomplish  in 2017.  CS will send this letter out to all members along with the 2017 dues assessment notice in January 2017. Dates may be a little off but when you consider how long it’s been since the last board meeting they are probably a little out of practice.

12.              Snow removal bids for the 2016/2017 season were solicited (via the PPE Facebook Page), two bid were   received.  Robert Evans (305) had the lowest bid and will be clearing the parking area only. I wonder it that could be 2017-18? That’s how long it’s been since the board told the members what they’re  doing.

13.    The Board reviewed and discussed the Outdoor Fire Regulation.  After a lengthy discussion, the Board unanimously approved making the following revisions to the regulation: 

                 a.       10(a)   Changed to read: 
There are NO OPEN FIRES allowed within the boundaries of PPE except under the conditions listed below. Open fires can cause vegetation, tree roots and hanging trees to catch fire and burn threatening property and structures within PPE.  OPEN FIRES do not include propane and charcoal fired grills, propane burning freestanding fireplaces however Wood burning, free standing outdoor fireplaces are not allowed

                b.       10(b)(iv)  Changed to read:
Fire pits must have a vegetation free and combustible materials free zone around the pit that is a minimum of 30 feet in diameter from the center of the pit.  No structure can be located within 15 feet of the center of the pit.  There must be at least a 30-foot vertical clearance above the fire pit that is free from overhanging trees or tree limbs.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at a time and place to be determined .

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Thorpe - Secretary

I find it just a little strange that the board now wants to follow the documents.  A lot of the items they are writing about now they ignored when the Andrus family was still here. One of biggest was adding on to his cabin without notifying anyone, including the county.
Why isn’t there any mention of the new road base?
I would have hoped that four of these board members would have stepped down after they were personally responsible for the July 2016 Fire that could have been disastrous.



Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
October 26, 2016
Salt Lake Country Club

Attendees:                       Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Craig Silotti (CS), Bill Thorpe (BT) Eric Mander (EM)
Guests:                             Rex Feller (216), Jason Keller (301)
EH called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm, the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.

1.       BT Reported that follow up letters have been sent out to certain Fire Pit Permit holders, as needed.

2.       Rex Feller (216) was introduced and was appointed to chair the Fire Pit Permit Review Committee.  All members look to this committee for guidance on the Fire Pit Permit process.   BT will post this informationon the PPE Facebook page.  EH reviewed the history of how the Outdoor Fire Rules and Regulations came into existence, through cooperation with the courts in settlement of an earlier dispute.  Basicallythe US Forest Service guidelines for outdoor fires was used as a template for the PPE Rules and Regulations.

3.       EM brought up the fact that some of the perimeter fence had holes in it and needed to be repaired.  CS will contact the fence contractor about getting them fixed this season, if possible.

4.       Gate security was discussed and the Board will evaluate alternatives to address this issue.

5.       EH will write a letter to all PPE members outlining what has taken place in 2016 and what we would like to accomplish  in 2017.  CS will send this letter out to all members along with the 2017 dues assessment notice in January 2017.

6.       Snow removal bids for the 2016/2017 season were solicited (via the PPE Facebook Page), two bid were received.  Robert Evans (305) had the lowest bid and will be clearing the parking area only.

7.       The Board reviewed and discussed the Outdoor Fire Regulation.  After a lengthy discussion, the Board unanimously approved making the following revisions to the regulation: 

a.       10(a)   Changed to read: 

There are NO OPEN FIRES allowed within the boundaries of PPE except under the conditions listed below. Open fires can cause vegetation, tree roots and hanging trees to catch fire and burn threatening property and structures within PPE.  OPEN FIRES do not include propane and charcoal fired grills, propane burning freestanding fireplaces however Wood burning, free standing outdoor fireplaces are not allowed

b.      10(b)(iv)  Changed to read:

Fire pits must have a vegetation free and combustible materials free zone around the pit that is a minimum of 30 feet in diameter from the center of the pit.  No structure can be located within 15 feet of the center of the pit.  There must be at least a 30-foot vertical clearance above the fire pit that is free from overhanging trees or tree limbs.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at a time and place to be determined .

The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Thorpe – Secretary

Received 24 November 2016

My Opinions.

This is what a normal set of minutes should look like, just handling day to day business. Let me tell you what they are not talking about:

I’m glad they hired Mr. Evans for the snow removal this year. Being a member there should be no conflict concerning the gate. Mr. Evans is a member and is obligated by the rules to close the gate.

There is a lot of talk about the fire regulations, looks to me like they are trying their hardest to keep members from having fires at all, which is fine with me and a lot of other members.

Speaking of fires, after three weeks and four requests the board finally sent me the financial information I requested. This web site is the only place you can see the actual line item spending. (Check the financial section)

On the financial page you can see that the fine for the fire last July has not been paid. I have some real interest in this one as I was there and helped put out the fire. I also told that member where she could find the rules in order to apply for a permit.  That member knew she didn’t meet the requirements and applied and was given a permit without having an active well. Once I learned that a permit was issued I provided documents to the board long before the fire from the Department of Natural Recourses that proved there was no well on that property. Why didn’t they rescind the permit then? That was a mistake that could have cost Pine Plateau several cabins including mine and the presidents. It’s not the mistake that causes the problems, it’s the cover-up. In the information concerning fines for fires it says no exceptions and yet the board has continued to make them.

Also and the financial page you can see that no money was spent on legal problems. The financial handout at the meeting states $3000.00 for 2016 and $2000.00 for 2017. A member at the meeting asked what the money was to used for and we were told that the a member may challenge the

Covenants and this was money for them to check with the attorney to make sure they were correct. None of that money has been spent to date. They should however save it because sooner or later someone will challenge those documents and here’s what makes me think they will win:

In minutes of the 20 June 2012 board of directors meeting it states that the new covenants had been sent to the members on 29 May 2012. In order for that to happen the board had to have a current list of members from Summit County. In the minutes dated 28 November 2012 it stated that almost 50% of the lots and almost 50% of the members had voted for the documents.  The Certificate of Amendment dated 19 July 2013 states that a majority of the owners had voted for the new covenants. The filing date for both the covenants and the bylaws was 09/06/2013 or 6 September 2013. The time span from the start of the vote to filing was at least eighteen months, the vote lasted over fifteen months which the board used to call members and urge them to vote.

Questions that the courts need to answer:  During the time period did the membership change and were those new members allowed to vote? Also should family members or others who are listed in Trusts on the property titles been allowed to vote?

I firmly believe that the Judge’s opinion on how the vote should have taken for the 2003 Covenants should have been appealed.

Mr. Hale has shown a history of taking more time than is needed not only on these document but also the rules and everything else he just doesn’t feel the need to deal with.  Mr. Hale made sure that the covenants gave the board the right to create and enforce rules. The loss of the covenants had nothing to do with the rules. The board could have adopted the old rules until the membership had a chance to review and adopt new ones. . He opted to wait one full year, one year where he didn’t have to worry about whom was responsible for leaving the South gate open. One year where he stated he could not take any action for speeding, fires or loud music at midnight. 

Also on the financial page you can see there has been no money spent on a camera/monitor. I suspected the camera that was in 301 watching the South gate was a fake. During the annual meeting the board led everyone along by agreeing that the camera could be used in other places to determine who is causing damage and speeding. For the most part the fake camera did work at keeping the South gate closed. In fact I think it was closed more this summer than the last five or six years. But come September it was back to being left open again. I closed it several times that month. A real camera would have been helpful, so why don’t they buy and use one, less than $100.00 would be good money spent for our security. 

A comment about our roads:

I’ve watched over the years as tons of road base has been put on our roads. It always looks nice when it’s done but within a few months you can’t tell the difference in the before and after photos. Some of it does get compressed into the ground but most of it gets thrown off to the sides with the ATV and vehicle traffic. We do have some roads that don’t get any attention and they never seem to change or have problems.  There was a comment made to me by a member who has been there for over forty years.  This was before the work was done he stated that he thought the roads had never been in better shape.

This year the board intended to spend almost $30,000.00 on the roads. Their plan was to have tons of road base laid and compressed leaving us with a slight pitch on either side of the roads for runoff. Instead they sent $14,000.00 and what we got were flat roads with a three to five inch curb down both sides so the water has nowhere to go. Have you been up there during a good rain? The frontage road turns into a canal, the water has nowhere to runoff and stays in the low spots which when traveled over just creates more damage.

Also: The original board in 1962 was responsible for putting in the roads that were detailed on the plot map. For some reason they didn’t complete them. We have lots with no access from Pine Plateau, lots 443-447 are land locked. This board is responsible for creating those roads, they need to take a hard look at that problem before one of them comes up for sale and we are forced to have them constructed.


Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Special Board of Directors Meeting 
My Opinions
July 14, 2016
Salt Lake Country Club

 Attendees:                   Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Bill Thorpe (BT), Eric Mander (EM)
Excused:                     Craig Silotti (CS)

EH called the meeting to order at 430 pm.

1.  BT gave a report on the status of questions and issues raised at the annual meeting:
     a. Two (2) road signs “SLOW DOWN – Blind Curve Ahead” have been purchased and will be posted at Pine Plateau.
     b. EH will prepare and send out a letter to ALL members reminding  them of the speed limit within Pine Plateau of 10 MPH.  If observed and reported  speeding, the Board will issue fines in accordance with the Rules and Regulations.
     c. Information on Propane tank covers have been posted on the Facebook page.  Do you really want to hide those tanks from the fire department.  When I spoke with the fire marshal he told me that for new construction they were asking that the tanks be buried.
     d. Clearing the N. Gate for winter parking was discussed.  The Board will consider the practicality and potential liabilities of such action.  The decision on PPE snow removal will be made at the fall Board meeting. I agree with Mr. Thorpe’s statement about that gate not being safe in the winter. You’re on a blind corner with oncoming traffic doing speeds up to 50 mph. There is not a safe way to exit during  winter conditions.
     e. The wood chipping schedule has been changed to August 3, 2016.  EH will remind ALL members, via letter (above), that it is each lot owners responsibility to clear and remove dead fall and fire fuel debris.  There are still a lot of owners who have done nothing to clean up the dead wood. This is one of the best programs that Summit County has, please take advantage of it.

2. The primary purpose of this Special Board meeting was to discuss the recent fire at Pine Plateau.  A complete investigation of the incident, interviews with witnesses, photographs of the area and an independent report was reviewed by the Board.  As a result of this investigation, the Board has taken action in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and Covenants, including revocation of the fire pit permit and levying the maximum fine as provided in the Rules and Regulations.  This incident should never have happened. The board has known for months that this member did not have a functioning well and should never have been given a permit. The board should be fined. The last fire we had the member was fined $1000.00 for actually having two fires. They actually paid $250.00. So could this be dealt down to $125.00.?

The Board has approved changes to the Outdoor Fire Rules and Regulations, by requiring all Fire Pit Permit applicants to provide proof of insurance to cover third party damages and costs, resulting from a fire.  This has been suggested before and ignored. See what happens when there is a fire in the president’s back yard.

In addition, the Board has created a Fire Pit Permit review committee, which will be responsible for reviewing applications for a Fire Pit Permit, conducting inspections, reporting violations and making recommendations to the Board concerning applications and possible violations. LeAnn Stevens has graciously agreed to head up this committee on behalf of the Board. This is a good thing. I have more faith in LeeAnn enforcing the fire rules.

The Board approved the purchase of two signs to be placed at each gate warning of “HIGH Fire Danger – No Outdoor Fires Allowed”. This is a good pro active action taken by the board.

 EH Adjourned the meeting at 5:20 pm

Respectfully submitted,
William L. (Bill) Thorpe - Secretary

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
There was a recent bear sighting just North of us. Please pay attention to your surroundings.

Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
April 27, 2016
Salt Lake Country Club

Attendees:         Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Craig Silotti (CS), Bill Thorpe (BT (by phone), Eric Mander (EM)

EH called the meeting to order at 410 pm and asked if everyone had received and reviewed the proposed agenda.  EH asked if there were any changes or additions to the proposed agenda.  There being none, the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.

1.  The annual meeting will be held on June 25, 2016 at the Hale cabin.  There will only be one item to be voted on, that is the filling of the two Board positions (Passey and Thorpe). Several notices have gone out to members about serving on the Board and asking for nominations.  To date none have been received.  In addition, the Board will report to the members the status of: Association Finances, Road Maintenance, Gate, Fencing, the PPE Facebook Page, Rules Modifications and other matters of interest to the members which may come up at the meeting.

EH will prepare a letter to members, BT will prepare the voting ballot.   CS will send out an email to all members and BT will post a notice on the PPE Facebook page about the meeting and vote.

2. The PPE road maintenance program, as previously approved by the members, will commence soon.  It is our goal to have the roads completed prior to the annual meeting.

3. Bids have been taken to repair and strengthen the South Gate.  The repairs will take approximately two weeks to complete and will be done prior to the annual meeting..  The Board authorized and expenditure of no more than $1000 to do the work.

4. The association fencing on the south end  will be repaired.  Bids are being gathered to do the work.  The cost is estimated to be about $3000.  Any additional repairs to other fencing will be done on a time and materials basis.

5. The Board reviewed and approved rules violation letters that will go out this week.

6. CS gave and presented the financial report for the association and noted that we have collected $16,150 in dues, fines and other fees, spent $2,825 and currently have $28,949 in cash reserves.

7. The Board discussed a suggestion by one of our members that more speed limit signs be added and that the ATV/Snowmobile license plate program be re-instated.  There was no consensus and the matter will be discussed again at future Board meetings.

8.  A Fire Pit Permit form has been developed and will be used for inspection and approval of Fire Pit Permits and will also be used as a record for future reference.  Those PPE members  who’s fire pit permits have expired or soon will expire, will be notified  that a new permit is required every two years.

9. The Board has agreed that some of the Rules and Regulations need  to be modified and clarified, particularly those dealing with snow removal within the PPE property.  EH will prepare the modifications for final Board approval.  It is our goal to have these completed prior to the annual meeting.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at a time and place to be determined .

The meeting was adjourned at 515  pm.

Bill Thorpe, PPE Secretary

My Opinions.

1. Mr. Hale may finally be following the documents when it comes to voting this year. If he does it will prove that he hasn’t followed them the last three years.   Members really do need to step up and take a turn on the board.  I did it during a time when we got suckered into the law suit with DOT. This is a different time; whoever decides to run will have to deal with a full time family that completely disregards the rules, safety and security of the all the other members.  Mr. Hale has done nothing but perpetuate this problem.

2. Approved by the members?  Once again unless you were at the annual meeting you didn’t get to vote, in fact, you had no way of knowing that there would be a vote.  Even if there was a quorum present at that meeting, failure to notify the members of a vote trumps that.

3. This really surprises me, I would have bet anybody lunch that this board would have tried their annual attempt at the electric gate. I just found out they actually got the original builder to repair the gate. Cost: $700.00 ? Good for them.

4. Since the board complained about how hard it was to find someone who is licensed and Insured, I gave the board the name of a local company who meets all the requirements to do the fence work. Don’t know if they have hired anyone yet, but I bet I know who’s in the running.

5. I’m still having a hard time believing this board taking action against anyone.

6. The road program has already started. The board is refusing to tell me who they hired or how much they are paying. I heard from a friend that it looked like Ellingsford Bro’s who were doing the work. They at least know what they are doing, but are expensive. Would be nice if the board would tell the members where the work is being done so you know if you can get in to your lot 

7. Manor Lands have used that program for years. It’s designed to help members identify members who violate the rules on ATV’s and Snowmobiles. We did it for several years; it just fell apart with new board members.                                                                     

 8. I’ve asked the board if their new inspection includes that the members have a functioning well.  They seem to have a hard time identifying what that means.

9. Modified? They need to be voted on by all the members just to be legal. Snow removal is a little vague. My suspicions are that Mr. Hale is going to say that we need year around access.

Look around folks, were just like everyone else up there, nobody requires or has year around access. We tried that, paid for the roads to be widened, that weren’t and it was on overall disaster. Vehicles getting stuck and driveways being blocked by snow.


Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting(Corrected)
December 16, 2015
Salt Lake Country Club

Attendees:  Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Craig Silotti (CS), Bill Thorpe (BT), Eric Mander (EM) (by phone)
EH called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm and asked if everyone had received and reviewed the proposed agenda.  EH asked if there were any changes or additions to the proposed agenda.  There being none, the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.

1. Approval of the 8/11/2015 Board Meeting minutes.   (Approved 4-0)

2. CS to follow up with any member(s) who have been sent a notice of a rules violation and been assessed a fine by the Board, pursuant to the member approved PPE Rules and Regulations.

3. EM reported that the following Fire Permits have been approved, pursuant to the approved PPE Rules and Regulations:

Permit Renewal                            Permit          Renewal

                               Lot #   Date    Date                     Lot #     Date    Date
                               212      6/13      6/15                   434       8/14     8/16
                               216       9/14     9/16                   214       9/14     9/16
                               419       3/15     3/17                   235       6/15     6/17
                              226       6/15     6/17

4. The PPE road maintenance program will take place in the spring, when the roads within PPE are still wet from the winter thaw, this will be the least costly time to do the work.  Prior to the work being done, EM and BT will try to get 2 bids from local road contractors to do the work.  The goal is to have the work completed before the next annual meeting.

 5. The Board reviewed and discussed an email received from a member, who asked some questions pertaining to PPE.   EM will respond by email to that member.

6. This year the Board has contracted with an outside, third party to do snow removal from the front (south) parking area only.  Snow removal will take place only when the snow fall accumulations is sufficient to warrant removal.  The contractor will not do any snow removal inside the PPE area.  CS will follow up with the contractor.

7. CS reviewed the association finances and current accounts payable.  The association is in good financial shape.

8. EH will renew the PPE Insurance policy and coverage, which expires at the end of January 2016.

9. CS, pursuant to the PPE by laws, will send out the 2016 dues letter January 2016, to all PPE members.

10. The annual meeting will be held on June 25, 2016 at a location to be determined.  There will be 2 Board positions up for nomination and election at the annual meeting.  In accordance with the PPE by laws, the Board will send out a letter to each PPE member 4-6 weeks in advance of the meeting, asking for volunteers and nominations to serve on the PPE Board.  The letter will also ask those members who cannot attend to submit proxies for the meeting.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at a time and place to be determined .
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30  pm.
Bill Thorpe, PPE Secretary

My Opinions
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
#2. The minutes are the only source of written history for Pine Plateau. Mr. Hale has changed the policy of not identifying the members who violate the rules. This change was made after the minutes stated a fine was issued for the 10/14 fire that was later reduced to a warning letter and then covered up. The next board members will have no idea what action has been taken and why.  We introduced the use of warning letters and seldom did a member who received a letter commit any other violations. But, there is a record of those letters and fines just in case the same violations happen again. When we first got insurance one of the prerequisites’ was to be able to show some type of enforcement.

#3.  The corrected minutes change lot 224 to 226.
The rules, #10, b, vii. Clearly states that: “A functioning hose supplied by a functioning well must be at the fire site at all times between May 1 and December 15th for fire suppression”.  Lot 419 is a vacant lot.  The owner of 419 also has a cabin on lot 418 . Neither lot has a well or is tied into any other members well. How do you get a permit when you don’t have a well? The board so far has refused to answer.  Any violation of the fire rules will result in an immediate $500.00 fine unless you say I won’t pay it, then you just get a warning letter. That happened in Oct. 2014 a fine, of only $250.00 was imposed and later rescinded and a warning letter issued. The members at this cabin had one fire, were asked to put it out, and then had another one the same day. So why have permits or fines. After this how can this board fine any member for anything?

#4. Now they say they will be accepting bids .I thought that was a done deal. In the meeting it sounded as though they had already contracted with Ellingford Brothers and that the cost was going to be $10,000 per mile. I for one, hope they get several bids. $30,000 is a lot of money. However this opens it up to who those contractors could be. We know Mr. Andrus is not a contractor but I’ll bet he’s one they accept a bid from. We’ve been down that road before and paid several hundred dollars and got nothing.  BT has already recommended him on face book for doing simple jobs in the area. I wouldn’t hire him.  I am still concerned what the real reason is behind redoing the roads. Our roads are just like every other cabin community that I’ve seen.  Fire trucks and cement trucks don’t have a problem, that’s been proven. I don’t believe insurance is effected either. As for drainage, most of our roads aren’t level anyway.  I believe that disturbing the 40 or 50 years of hard pack is just going to give us mud holes that we will be fixing for years.  There are sections that need to be widened and the trees trimmed overhead, but to redo the entire road system, sorry, I just don’t see it. I think Mr. Hale wants pine plateau turned into a country club with wide flat roads and an electric gate.

#5. Why even put that in there? Either be specific and transparent or just answer the member who wrote to the board. You raise more questions than answers with a statement like that.

#6. Thank You. I’m surprised the board did this. I actually heard the board made this decision early last summer.  Taking into account of the relationship between Mr. Hale and Mr. Andrus  I’ll bet that vote wasn’t unanimous. Recently I asked Mr. Hale what type of work was done by Mr. Andrus that warranted paying him $50.00 and then $100.00 all I got was: “payments to Mr. Andrus related to work on the gates including lock removal and install”. Does he really know? Why are we still paying Mr. Andrus, who arguable is the main cause of the damage to the gate and locks?  And this was done after I gave Mr. Hale the name of a person who lives up there and can work on those types of gates and locks. My opinion:  just another way to keep the money flowing to the Pine Plateau Welfare fund. I’m betting they even find a way to supplement snow removal done by Mr. Andrus.

#7. The board has been good enough to give me the financial statements anytime I ask so I can post them. Don’t you think the minutes should say a little more than we are in good shape? If they weren’t posted here you would only see them once a year.

#10. I’m betting the rules concerning voting are violated once again. For proxy votes to be legal the members have to know who they are voting for. The bylaws clearly say they must be turned in to the secretary prior to the meeting or at the start of the annual meeting, not half way through. The way the governing documents were written (which Mr. Hale had the most to do with) members wanting to run for office must be on a ballot that is sent to all members.  I submitted this question to Mr. Hale, no reply.  I’m beginning to think that the only person Mr. Hale will listen to is a judge. He completely ignored a letter form an attorney that explained our documents to him and yet he constantly violates them. Unless you have attended the annual meetings you have lost your right to vote. Mr. Hale has intentionally stated in the agendas that there would only be a discussion, then he has a vote violating both the covenants and the bylaws.  Do we have a legally elected board? NO. All five of the board members were elected at the annual meetings by the members who attended, not the membership. That’s a clear violation. Even if they used proxies’ like they did with the rules, not valid.  Does this board have the power to enforce rules or spend the member’s money? My opinion, NO

What needs to happen now is an election of all new board members by all of the voting members. We also need a set of rules that are approved by the entire membership that can’t be legally challenged like the current ones.

In case you haven’t noticed: Mr. Hale’s philosophy on anything that he doesn’t want or can’t answer, is to wait until members forget or just get tired of asking. It was like that with the Vice President’s position, but that’s a story for another time.

“It’s not the mistakes that cause the problems, it’s the cover-ups”.

You have no control over the power or phone bills. Summit County proved that you don’t have much to say about your property taxes.  You should have a say in what happens at Pine Plateau. A vote for every item that affects all members by all members. Majority rules I believe that is what the original owner, Mr. MacKay stated in the original documents.

Face Book page.

Mr. Hale in an email to me stated “Face book is an open forum where anyone who is a member of PPE can post information”. Can you start a conversation? They should be putting on information concerning expenditures. budget, road, weather conditions, or even  Merry Christmas…..

If you haven’t served on the board before, it’s time.

As always the Board of Directors is invited to submit any rebuttal. 

So Far: no response.


Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
August 11, 2015
Salt Lake Country Club

Attendees:                         Eric Hale (EH), Glen Passey (GP), Craig Silotti (CS), Bill Thorpe (BT)
Excused (Vacation):           Eric Mander (EM)
Guests:                              Cody and Teran Lawler (#236)

EH called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm and asked if everyone had received and reviewed the proposed agenda.  EH asked if there were any changes or additions to the proposed agenda.  There being none, the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.

1. Approval of the 4/29/2015 Board Meeting minutes.   (Approved 4-0)

2. Since the annual meeting, the Board has received a few notices of possible rules violations.  These were read and discussed.  After determining those that were actual violations of the PPE Rules, the Board determined to take appropriate actions, pursuant to Board authority. The Board will be sending out letters to the individuals and lot owners involved, reminding them of the PPE rules and encouraging them to observe them in the future.
The South Gate lock was damaged and needs to be replaced.  It is not known when the lock got damaged.  EH will follow up on a new lock. Alpine Lock Co. has been contacted and new locks have been ordered, the old locks will be returned.  EM will coordinate the repairs to the gate lock. Alpine Lock has been informed that only Board Members are authorized to order.

3. Since the annual meeting, BT and EM met with a road construction company concerning approved road maintenance within PPE.  The experts recommended that the most cost effective way to do the roads, is to wait until we have wet weather (Fall or early Spring) so the roads can be worked most effectively.  By waiting until spring, we can take advantage of the thaw and wet weather and do more roads.
Snow removal from the south gate parking area for the 2015/2016 season was discussed.  CS will contact a couple of snow removal providers, including the Bear River Lodge.

4. In response to suggestions by members at the annual meeting, a PPE Facebook Page has been created.  This is a “closed group” for PPE members.  The page now has the PPE Maps, Rules and Regulations, Summary Cabin Display Rules and meeting notices.  Future additions will include PPE By-laws and Covenants.  The page has been well received and as of this date, we have 33 PPE members.

5. It was suggested by a member that we provide emergency member contact information to all members.  This will include phone and emails to be used in the event someone observes a problem or emergency situation at someone else’s cabin or property.  The Board will first contact all members individually and determine support for this idea.

6. The Board has received a couple of suggestions concerning how we might improve security and monitoring within PPE. These options were discussed and will continue to be evaluated for cost effectiveness and value to PPE.

7. CS reviewed the association finances and current accounts payable.  The association is in good financial shape.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at a time and place to be determined.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm.

Bill Thorpe, PPE Secretary

My opinions.

2. This is the only board of directors that I’m aware of that will wait until there is a meeting to take any action on rule violations.  In doing so there are allowing a member to continue to violate a rule for an extra month or two or even three before they take any action.  Other boards have taken the appropriate action as soon as they could verify the violations and who was involved. A fire was reported last year and the member in question was fined. I’ve asked the board about the disposition, got no answer. Last time I checked the financials the fine had not been paid. It is sad, but there will always be someone who thinks rules are not meant for them. Mr. Hale spent almost $10,000 of our money to have a document that clearly gives the board direction in cases such as this one. They should just let the attorneys handle it instead of playing let’s make a deal.  Also, did they really issue a fire permit to a member that does not have a functioning well?

3. South gate lock, damaged? It’s gone. I wrote to Mr. Hale on August 6th and asked about the lock. He told me that sometime on the 1st or 2nd of August someone had drilled it out. As of the 20th there was still no replacement lock.  Last time it took six months to have it replaced.

4. I’m still not convinced about their road program. It’s a lot of money and I think in the long run we will continue to have roads just like we have only a little wider. Last Tuesday the 18th I watch two young men in a red side by side race up and back on the frontage road.  Make these county roads flatter and smoother and I guarantee the speeds will go up.

5. That surprises me, contact a couple of snow removal providers.  Does that mean they are not going to hire the presidents BFF again?

6/7. I’m glad they started the face book page. But you will still get more information on this web site about fire safety, history and what’s really going on in PPE. There is already a list of members on this site that provides contact information. I try to keep it as up to date as much as I can.  Anyone wishing to update their info can contact anytime. The board needs to post a list on face book of which members have fire permits so members know who can have a legal fire.

8. One of those suggestions came from me. I submitted a bid for a full time camera at the South gate. It is a little expensive but less than the price of a new gate. It is state of the art equipment sold and installed by the same company who has worked at several of the last Olympics.   It would not only be a security enhancement but also a way for the members to check the weather and road conditions.


Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting

April 29, 2015
Salt Lake Country Club

Attendees:           Eric Hale (EH), Eric Mander (EM), Glen Passey (GP), Craig Silotti (CS), Bill Thorpe (BT)

EH called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm and asked if everyone had received and reviewed the proposed agenda.  EH asked if there were any changes or additions to the proposed agenda.  There being none,  the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.

1. Approval of 1/27/2014 Board Meeting minutes.   (Approved 5-0)

2. 2015 Association Dues  Collections
CS reported that the all PPE owners have paid their 2015 dues.  CS reported and reviewed the current PPE Association budget, expenditures and cash position.

3. 2015 Annual Meeting
The PPE annual meeting letter will be sent out to all members by May 15, 2015, and should contain a proposed, preliminary agenda. There are no Board Member elections scheduled for this meeting. The meeting to be held on Saturday June 20, 2015 at 10:00 am, at the Hale cabin.

4. Summit County Chipping Machine
The Summit County chipping machine schedule for PPE will be announced to the members at the annual meeting.  The board notes that there are several lots within PPE that have several dead, beetle damaged trees.  Each owner is responsible for removing dead trees from their lot.

5. 5 Year Road Maintenance Plan/Snow Removal/Fencing
A discussion was held on the 5 year road maintenance plan for PPE.  EH has received cost estimates to do the work.  The Board will further develop a road maintenance concept and present this to the members at the annual meeting.  At this point, the Board feels a smaller, scaled down approach will work best for PPE.   Other potential items (fence repairs, snow removal, etc.)  to be included in the 5 year plan were also discussed. 

The Board discussed the snow removal from the 2014/2015 winter season, the condition of the north and south gate and overall winter access to PPE.  The Board has concluded that it may a better option for providing certain services to PPE to contact outside vendors, associations and individuals about possibly contracting with PPE for future snow removal, fence repairs, etc.  It is recognized that this approach may require a larger budgetary expenditure and commitment than we currently have and have had in the past.

EH met with Summit county about county building code requirements, as pertains to access to building lots and reported his findings that there is no county requirement for access to any lot or property.

6. PPE Rules and Regulations Enforcement
Once again the Board reviewed and discussed the PPE rules and regulations and how best to determine infractions and notify members. A recent issue at PPE with open fires demonstrated the proper procedure for reporting and enforcing rule violations.  ALL PPE MEMBERS (not just the Board) need to document and report to the Board, any violations of the rules, that they have observed or witnessed. With this documentation, the Board can issue the appropriate warnings and/or fines, in accordance with the established rules and regulations. This will be discussed with the members at the annual meeting.

7. Communicating with PPE Members
There was a discussion as to how best to communicate with the members, in a straight forward, impartial manner, information about PPE.  The idea of an Association approved and managed WEB page was discussed, as well as the use of various social media options.  The current, so called PPE WEB page, has not been authorized by the Association Board or PPE Members and the content therein is not monitored.  These options, as well as how best to maintain and keep it updated will be further evaluated.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at a time and place to be determined .
The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm.

Bill Thorpe
PPE Secretary

My Opinions.

Item #4. Thanks to Craig Silloti for following through with Summit County. It’s one of the very few things that we get with our tax money.

Item #5.  That’s a start, but I’ll believe it when I see it.  Concerning access to the land locked lots, whose responsibility is it?  The owners of those lots just can’t start cutting a road through other members property. The right of way was never completed to those lots and now have cabins or other structures built where the roads were placed on the plot maps. It’s nice that they discussed the gates but what are they going to do? The South gate is operable but needs repairs.

Item #6. Once again, that’s pretty clear. You see something you report it. I have to this date never received an explanation why no action was taken concerning the photographs of the Andrus family opening the South gate from last June.

Item #7. The current so called web page clearly states that it is not funded by or authorized by the Pine Plateau Estates. It is free for the board to post any item they need for the membership.  But when they operate like they have the last few years, I will add my opinions. There is one simple way for my opinions to stop and the board knows what that is.


Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting

January 27, 2015
Salt Lake Country Club
(Received for the Web Site 7 April 2015)

Attendees:              Eric Hale (EH), Eric Mander (EM), Glen Passey (GP), Craig Silotti (CS), Bill Thorpe (BT)

EH called the meeting to order at 4:00 pm and asked if everyone had received and reviewed the proposed agenda.  EH asked if there were any changes or additions to the proposed agenda.  There being none, the Board proceed with the following discussion and action.
1.  Approval of 10/16/2014 Board Meeting minutes.   (Approved 5-0)

2. PPE Association Insurance
EH reported that Cincinnati Insurance had sent the association a notice that they would not be renewing our property and D&O insurance.   The Board solicited quotes from other insurance providers.  It was proposed that the Board approve and bind over the following quotes:

Liberty Insurance – for PPE Property Insurance
Attain Insurance – for PPE D&O Insurance

Approved (5-0)

EH instructed CS to send a check to the above.

3.  2015 Association Dues Letters and Collections
CS reported that the Association dues letters had been sent out and dues receipts were starting to come in.  There have been a couple of questions about the dues increase, which have been answered.

4.  2015 Annual Meeting
A discussion was held about scheduling the 2015 annual meeting.  A letter will be sent out to all members at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting with a proposed, preliminary agenda.  It was proposed that the meeting be held on Saturday June 20, 2015 at 10:00 am, at the Hale cabin (#428).
Approved (5-0)

5.  Summit County Chipping Machine
CS will contact Summit County and schedule the chipper to come to PPE as soon after the annual meeting as possible.

6.  5 Year Maintenance Plan
A discussion was held on the development of a 5 year maintenance plan for PPE, as directed by the membership at the last annual meeting.  A plan and budget will be created and presented to the membership at the upcoming 2015 annual meeting.  EH will solicit bids from local contractors to come to PPE, assess the road condition, widths, etc., and provide an estimate to do the proposed work.  Other potential items to be included in the 5 year plan were also discussed.

7. PPE Rules and Regulations Enforcement
The Board reviewed the rules and regulations.  Each owner within PPE has been provided with a copy of the rules and regulations, in addition, each cabin was provided with a laminated copy for display in their cabin, hand delivered by EM.  A discussion was held on how best to determine rules infractions and how to enforce same.  In order to insure enforcement of the rues, it is incumbent on ALL PPE MEMBERS (not just the Board) to document and report to the Board, any violations of the rules, that they have observed or witnessed as being ignored. With this documentation, the Board can issue the appropriate warnings, in accordance with the established rules and regulations.   Board members reviewed pictures taken by a member of the S. Gate area, showing the S. Gate open at times.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on April 29, 2015.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.

Bill Thorpe
PPE Secretary

My Opinion

Wouldn’t it be nice to know how much the new insurance is?

At least they looked at the photos this time.

I asked Mr. Hale what the disposition was of the photos and got no response.


Pine Plateau Estates
Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
October 16, 2014, 4:00 PM
Salt Lake Country Club

 Attendees:         Eric Hale  (EH), Bill Thorpe (BT), Eric Mander (EM), Craig Solotti (CS), Glen Passey (GP)

1.  Election of 2014/2015 Officers:   (Approved 5-0)

President                    Eric Hale
Secretary                     Bill Thorpe
Treasurer                    Craig Solotti
Member                      Glen Passey
Member                      Eric Mander  - EM will continue to be the custodian of all the association keys.

2. Repairs to South Gate:  (Approved 5-0)
It was proposed to authorize the expenditure of $40 to replace the worn out lock on the south gate and $160 to grind out and repair the gate so that it can no longer be lifted out.  The same keys will continue to be used.  EH to contact Dave Andrus to review.

3. Road Maintenance:  (Approved 5-0)
It was proposed to authorize the expenditure of up to $410 for one (1) load of gravel to be used to fill in low spots outside the south gate.  EH Will contact Dave Andurs.

4. Snow Removal for 2014/2015 winter:  (Approved 5-0)
It was proposed that the association authorize the expenditure of an amount equal to last year,(plus $100 ($1,100) for the removal of snow from the south gate parking area only.  No snow is to be piled up in front of the gate, the gate should be able to freely swing open and closed at all times,.  Any other snow removal will be by the individual home owners.  EH will contact Dave Andurs and fix the amount for snow removal for the winter.  In addition, EH will instruct Dave Andurs to minimize the amount of snow piled up in the roadways, moving as much as possible to the sides.    

5. Long Term Maintenance Plan:
The board outlined the key elements of the long term maintenence plan for PPE.  The plan will be developed and finalized prior to the next annual meeting (June 2015), to be presented to the membership.  This plan was in support of the increase in dues approved at the 2014 membership meeting and needs to set forth the long term plan for PPE.

6. Road Maintenance
Year round access, for emergency vehicles
Widen roadways to minimum widths per fire department.  (EM to check and determine minimum width.
There will be NO relocation of roadways in this plan.
Perimeter fence inspection, repair and maintenance
Access and security into PPE to include a discussion of gate alternatives

Spring loaded
Removal and management of pine beetle damaged trees within PPE that are on roadways or ROW.  Note:  Individual property owners are responsible for removal of dead trees from individual lots (see note  VI)
The need and justification for a possible caretaker for PPE.

Need a pro-forma cost / benefit budget
Identify savings to PPE
Identify duties and responsibilities
Would be an independent contractor, having its own insurance
Consider how indemnification would work for liability purposes, workers comp, etc.

EM to contact a road construction / maintenance company and obtain an estimate to do the roadwork within PPE, for purposes of the budget and long term plan.

7. Dead and Beetle Damaged Trees within PPE:

It is the responsibility of each individual home / lot owner to remove dead trees to reduce the fire hazard to the rest of PPE.  EM did a quick survey around PPE and found in excess of 150 dead trees.  A letter will be sent to the lot owners where there are dead trees, advising them that it is their responsibility to remove the fire hazard trees, within 90 days.  If not done or if they have not contacted the association, the association will have the trees removed and the home / lot owner will be billed and a lien may be placed on their property, if not paid.  The letter will contain the names and contact information for people willing to cut and remove dead trees.

8. Fire Pit Permits:
As of the date of this meeting, there are three (3) fire pit approved; 434, 215 and 211.  Note:  211 and 214 are in the process of review.  The board will send out a letter (which will serve as the permit) to approved applicants.  The approval will be for a period of 2 years only, at which time the lot owner needs to reapply.    The letter will also point out current deficiencies in any fire pits (specifically 211), requesting that the deficiencies be corrected.

 NOTE:   The board approved a fine of $250 to the Pace cabin for violation of the fire pit regulation.  EH to advise lot owner .

9. No Camping Allowed :
The board will send out a letter to the owners of lot 412 stating that pursuant to the PPE regulation, camping is prohibited on vacant lots.  Future violations may result in a fine.

10. Summit County Wood Chipper Service:
CS reported that the county has suspended the wood chipper program for this year.  The association has approximately 20 piles needing chipping.  It was discussed about having someone else come in and chip these piles.  The association dies not want to incur a cost to do this, but if individual lot owners want to hire someone to come in and  chip, that would be OK.  CS will contact Summit County and schedule the wood chipper for next spring, when the program resumes.

11. Trash Container:
Well received by all PPE owners and seems to be working well.

12. Association Insurance:
EH will contact insurance providers for quotes on renewing or rewriting the insurance coverage for PPE and the Board of Directors.

13. Other Items Discussed:
At the annual meeting, several members inquired about having a PPE WEB site where information, meeting agendas and other PPE information can be referenced, a WEB site separate and independent from the site put up by Mr. Eyre.  The Board will continue to look into this possibility and how a WEB page might be built, managed and monitored.  The Board also discussed the advantages of going to a fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) vs. the current calendar year basis.  It would provide for more accurate budgeting and accounting prior to the annual meeting each June.  This will be discussed and considered at the next Board Meeting.               

 The next meeting of the PPE Board of Directors will be held in March 2015, the exact date TBD.

 Bill Thorpe
PPE Secretary 2014/2015

My Opinion

II. Repairs to the South Gate:  This warrants a little further investigation into who got paid and for what…

 IV. Why are we paying the same amount for snow removal when the price of fuel is half of what is was last year?

V. Well, you had to know this was coming.  Year around access. Now they are going to use emergency services as an excuse. Yes, there might be a couple of spots where the roads have narrowed  over the years, but for the most part the Kearns cabin fire proved that even the big trucks don’t have a problem with our roads.

I watched as cement trucks made deliveries in PPE last summer without any problems and they are generally larger than most fire trucks. There are roads in PPE that some trucks and snow removal equipment can’t negotiate, like the river bottom lots. Those members will be paying for everyone else to have access.

Again, we are much better off than any other HOA in our area due to our proximity to the highway. Look at the maps of just how big Manor Lands is. Response time to some of those cabins will be double what it is to ours.  Both of my careers were in emergency services, I know these firefighters and Medical personal train for situations just like ours. It’s not that they won’t be there to help you, they will, and under any circumstances. Our problem is the response time, and that is our choice for buying into a recreational area thirty miles from the nearest town.

No relocation of roadways in this plan.  What there should be are roads completed to the land locked lots down by the river. (447-446-445-444-443).If any of these lots come up for sale the county is going to mandate that access be completed to them from within Pine Plateau. Up till now it’s just been a gentleman’s agreement between the Norman’s and the property owners.  Mrs. Norman tried to bring this up at the annual meeting and Mr. Hales reply was he was not aware of the problem.  

Gate: Even their own minute’s state strong opposition among the members present to an electric gate, it’s been that way for the last three years.  Mr. Hale told me that Mr. Mander was the one pushing for the electric gate, but it’s pretty obvious that at least two of the board members have their own agenda and that year around access and electric gates are not going away until they do.

Caretaker:  Again?  When Mr. Hale brought this up at the annual meeting and he told the members that Mr. Andrus had volunteered his services, if members had tomatoes they would have thrown them.  What they have outlined is real nice but it’s still designed for Mr. Andrus to fill the position. Just look at the board meeting minutes. They are once again making Mr. Andrus indispensible; the board can’t even make their own phone calls.  Taking into account Mr. Andrus’s background and the number of rules he and his family continually break, hiring him as the caretaker would also be another violation of the covenants.

Section 3.2.3 states “No commercial, industrial, business or enterprise of any kind or nature permitted within the confines and boundaries of the Project”. We have been paying Mr. Andrus for over three years now for different projects in Pine Plateau that alone meets Summit County’s ordinance for doing business without a license.  Hiring anyone who lives in Pine Plateau I believe would be a violation.

VII-VIII.  Thank you to the board for finally taking some action on a very egregious violation.  I hope it works out better than the last member that was fined for having a fire.

Camping Warning Letter, I’m not familiar enough with this problem to make any comments other then I know Mr. Mander’s biggest concern was where these members were going to the bathroom.  The board, since July 2014 has had dated and time stamped photos of the Andrus family opening the South gate and driving away. Mr. Hale just assured me that he will allow the board to view the photos in the March meeting. He received the photos in July, had a meeting scheduled for October and he says he didn’t have any way to show the board the photos.  That will have been eight months and there is no assurance that any action will be taken.

Favoritism and selective enforcement are alive and well in PPE. It’s pretty obvious to me that Mr. Hale and Mr. Andrus have each other on speed dial.

IX. I hope the board and Summit County follow through with the chipper program. If they don’t you can guess what the alternative would be.  

X. The trash container is working well. I was never against it, only paying for it. It is nice for the members but I still believe it was obtained mainly for the use of one family.

XII. I hope they do look into a web site. And actually it was only one member, not several. Mine isn’t going away; I still believe the members have a right to know what’s really going on in Pine Plateau, my opinions.  If they build one maybe I can get documents from there faster than the six months it took to get the annual meeting minutes.  I have really only had to offer my opinions for the last four years. Hopefully sooner than later my opinions will be just to thank the board for fulfilling their requirements.

Note: I believe that Pine Plateau was founded on the premise that the majority of the members rule. I may not agree with some or most of what the board has proposed the last four years, but if the members are given a chance to vote according to the covenants, that is, all members given all information that applies, pro’s and con’s and that they are allowed to vote, one vote per lot owned, I will abide by that vote. Seems to me that system have been compromised the last few years.

I spent a lot of time listening to members like Alden Higgs, David Lyon and Gary Norman when they were here.  I believe they had a vision for Pine Plateau not unlike Mr. MacKay, the original owner.  That is to keep Pine Plateau Estates rustic and a safe place for the members. We all knew what we were buying into when we acquired the property.

If we are not vigilant and pay attention, we could end up like our covenants suggest, condo’s with electric gates and paved roads.


Pine Plateau Estates
Home Owners Association Board Meeting – March 11, 2014
Crane Building, Salt Lake City

        EH (Eric Hale), CS (Craig Silotti), EM (Eric Mander), GP (Glen Passey), BT (Bill Thorpe), Martin Van Amen

 Old Business

PPE Insurance carrier.  The Board after many discussions determined that we would continue with our current carrier since it was difficult to make an apple / to / apple comparison.

PPE trash container, the location will be on Lot 302. EH to contact Summit County with this information,  hopefully the container will be in place in a couple of months.

New Business

1. PPE Board agreed that during 2014 the most important items to address are the continuing maintenance of the roads, repair and/or construction of the perimeter fencing of PPE along Hwy 150, beetle   damaged trees and the PPE South end gate.      

2. PLEASE NOTE:   The PPE ANNUAL MEETING will be on DATE:   June 21, 2014, LOCATION:

       Same as year 2013, Eric Hale’s cabin – LOT 429, TIME:  10:30 a.m . 

3. EH to send out a letter to the membership within the next month to notify the membership as to the Annual Meeting agenda and specifically ask for volunteers to serve on the board,  discuss  potential opportunities for the South end gate, and how to handle beetle damaged trees.

4. The Board approved an expenditure of $4000 dollars for the purchase and placement of approximately 135 – 150 tons of road base material.  Dave Andrus will work with the contractor to determine where to place the material

5.   During the spring / summer the fence along highway 150 will repaired.   Fence post, 7 foot long – 4 diameter cost $8.00 each from Murdock’s - Evanston, Wy.

6.   CS - Financial Report, after all of the annual dues are collected the balance will be $10,031.55.

       Next meeting, 05/20/2014 at 4:00 pm. - Crane Building, Salt Lake City
       Any and all PPE Owners are more than welcome to join in the next Board Meeting
       Meeting adjourned, 5:47 pm.
       Minutes Respectfully Submitted By       
       PPE Secretary – Eric Mander


Pine Plateau Estates
Home Owners Association Board Meeting-December 5, 2013
Crane Building, Salt lake City

EH(Eric Hale), CS(Craig Silotti), EM(Eric Mander), GP(Glen Passey), BT(Bill Thorpe).

Old Business

1. Dave Andrus closed the ATV gate on the Eastside of PPE property, EH will inform UDOT of the same.

2. Dave Andrus will snow plow the South end outside parking area. Please only park in the plowed area.

New Business

1. EH stated the lawyer representing PPE ( Mr. Matheson) has filed the proper documents with Summit County and the Second Amendment and Restatement of the Covenants of Pine Plateau Estates are now official.  If you want a copy of the signature page please contact EH or EM. A general distribution will be mad at the June 2014 annual meeting.

2. PPE Board agreed that during 2014 the most important items to address are the continuing maintenance of the roads and repair and/or construction of the perimeter fencing of PPE along Hwy 150.

3.EH working with Summit County to bring a trash container to PPE, Summit County stated starting in 2014 they will maintain a dumpster after PPE determines a location. The dumpster location requires that the vehicle collecting the trash can only enter PPE straight on-it cannot make a turn. EH and Dave Andrus to handle the location of the bin.

4. Currently the PPE profit and Loss statement is $2100 dollars.

5. The Board is continuing to review insurance options for PPE for 2014.

6. Annual dues letter will be forth coming, stating the dues will be due January 1st, 2014, $80 dollars per lot/home, with a late fee charged after February 15th, 2014.

Happy Holidays to all PPE members

                 Next meeting 03/11/2014 pm. - Crane Building, Salt Lake City
                Any and all PPE Owners are more than welcome to join in the next Board Meeting

                Meeting adjourned, 5:53 pm.

                 Minutes Respectfully Submitted By

                PPE Secretary-Eric Mander
My Opinion
Item #2 under old business:  Dave Andrus will be plowing just the South gate. Payment $1200.00

Item #2 under new business: The fence repair along highway 150 is for the damage to the top wire, to repair or replace the fence South of the South gate and the area on the far South end of Pine Plateau

I have asked the President and the Secretary for a full accounting of the money spend since their terms started.

The last time we actually saw the amounts and who they were paid to was in 2001.


Pine Plateau Estates
Home Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes– August 06, 2013
Crane Building 3rd Floor, Salt Lake City

EH (Eric Hale), CS (Craig Silotti), GP (Glen Passey),EM (Eric Mander) , guest Tera Lawlar in attendance 

Old Business / New Business

    1.   EH asked if there were any changes, corrections to the PPE Annual Meeting Minutes.  Minutes approved  

2.  EH asked if any of the Board members received any feedback from Annual Meeting. The general consensus was the meeting was very productive and that the association is back on track. EH asked if the Board had a request for a fire pit permit from the membership.  To date there have been no requests.

3.  EM presented to EH for the master file the PPE Annual Meeting attendance list, proxy vote documentation, and voting ballots for the new officers.

4.  EH discussed the Private Drive – along the river, the river lot owners have agreed for the PPE membership river access but ONLY FOOT TRAFFIC. The constant noise of the ATV’s is very annoying to the river lot owners.

5.  EM will send out the slightly revised PPE Rules and Regulations in the next month.  In addition, the association (EM) will place at each CABIN residence a laminated one page summary of the rules and regulations to be displayed in the respective cabins, so family and friends will be advised of all rules and regulations.

6.  The Revised Covenants are being filed with Summit County

7.  The gate has been repaired, PLEASE keep the gate closed.  Thank-you

8.  The proposal to install an ATV gate was discussed and tabled until the next meeting in October.

9.  The Board is considering the option to change the PPE Insurance carrier.  The fine print is being evaluated.

10.  Beetle Damaged Trees throughout PPE, Dave Andrus has offered his wood chipper at $250/ day, plus fuel and $60 for sharpening the blades. Evanston, WY.doesn’t have a wood chipper for rent.

Next meeting, 10/01/2013 at 4:00 pm.  – Crane Building, 307 W 200S, Salt Lake City.

 Meeting adjourned, 5:37 pm.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted By PPE Secretary – Eric Mander


For archived Meeting Mintues, please contact Dave Eyre @ oldairforceguy@yahoo.com