Financial statement that was issued at the 2011 Annual Business meeting of the Pine Plateau Home Owners Association. 
19 JUNE 2010 - 14 JUNE 2011

Bank Balance 19 June 2010 $9,464.26
Dues collected - $80 refund (2011) $10,240.00
Gate Keys $65.00
Fines $125.00
Interest $5.71
TOTAL INCOME $10,435.71
Bank Charge $25.00
Insurance $1,151.00
Office supplies, postage, copies $492.78
Food for annual meeting $146.10
Annual report to state $10.00
Dumpster $1,437.22
Gate Keys $205.35
Snow Plowing $5,500.00
Members car stuck $100.00
Sign $120.75
Roads $900.00
Fence $1,421.83
Move Power pole $1,300.00
Tree Removal $360.00
Bank Balance 14 June 2011 $6,729.94
19 June 2010 to 14 June 2011
Moreton and Company 24-Jun $335.00 Insurance
Dean Layton 24-Jul $372.60 Mileage, copys, Office supplies,  postage, food annual meeting.
Clarence Jones 12-Jul $11.19 Copies, annual meeting
Dave Andrus 14-Jul $65.00 Food annual meeting.
Clarence Jones 8 Aug.  $911.83 Fence purchase from Murdocks-Eva.
Alpine lock and safe 8 Aug. $205.35 Gate Keys
Mark Brown 8 Aug.  $510.00 Pound fence posts.
Dave Andrus 8 Aug. $1,300.00 Move power pole (Bridger Elect.)
Clarence Jones 30 Aug.  $10.00 State of Utah annual report.
Mark Brown 6 Sept.  $360.00 Tree Removal for snow plowing
Wyoming Waste Services 6 Sept.  $252.52 Dumpster
Mark Brown 16 Sept.  $900.00 Road Base
Dave Eyre 16 Sept.  $120.75 Sign
Mark Brown 16 Sept.  $2,700.00 Snow Plow 2010-2011
Wyoming Waste Services 13 Oct.  $505.04 Dumpster Oct-Jan
Clarence Jones 8 Nov. $54.64 Stamps, envelopes Nov 2010 mailing
Talli Andrus 24 Nov. $100.00 Snow Plowing
Wyoming Waste Services 8 Jan.  $5.54 Dumpster
Clarence Jones 25 Jan.  $81.81 Mail Dues letters
Wyoming Waste Services 11 Feb.  $133.04 Dumpster
Moreton and Company 11 Feb.  $816.00 Insurance
Tom Kunz 18 Feb.  $80.00 Refund overpayment of dues
Robert Evans 28-Feb $100.00 Snow removal for members veh. 
Wyoming Waste Services 9 Mar.  $267.08 Dumpster
Dean Layton 3-May $42.46 Copies, members letters.
Clarence Jones 3-May $11.18 Postage, cert. letters regarding dues
Wyoming Waste Services 9-May $274.00 Dumpster

Financial statement that was issued at the 2011 Annual Business meeting of the Pine Plateau Home Owners Association. 
19 JUNE 2010 - 14 JUNE 2011
My questions and comments. Monday, June 20, 2011.
Bank Balance 19 June 2010 $9,464.26
Dues collected - $80 refund (2011) $10,240.00
Gate Keys $65.00
Fines $125.00
Interest $5.71
TOTAL INCOME $10,435.71
Bank Charge $25.00
Insurance $1,151.00
We have been involved in a law suit in which the insurance that we had is providing excellent coverage.  I haven't seen the new policy but I've been told that it was designed to cover past, present and future board members from civil suits. This new policy needs to be reviewed by the new Board of Directors to see if it is really needed. My understanding was that as long as the covenants were followed, that the Board members would be covered, maybe that's the problem. 
Office supplies, postage, copies $492.78
I only remember getting two letters this year, one for the dues and one for the meeting. I think there are 78 current members, times that by two, does that sound like a lot of stamps to you.  I hope whatever supplies that were left over go to the new secretary.
Food for annual meeting $146.10
Annual report to state $10.00
Dumpster $1,437.22
How does a dumpster that was rented by a member for his family find its way into our budget? That's a lot of money  for a service that only benefits a few, plus whomever is driving past and wants to use it.   When I was on the Board we actually looked at renting one, we decided that it was too expensive, it was cheaper then. I never have minded hauling out what I haul in. 
Gate Keys $205.35
Snow Plowing $5,500.00
The covenants, section 515. Road Regulations, part D. "There will be no snow removal on the roads within the boundaries of the Estates". We are currently in a law suit with a member who violated the covenants, so how does the Board intentionally violate the covenants?  And in doing so cost us $7,160.00. If for some reason we decide to plow the roads next year the covenants need to be modified to cover that action. Expenses like that really need to be voted upon by the members. Just as a side note. There was another bid for snow removal, their bid was $5500.00.(which is what we paid anyway) This company is licensed with Summit County and insured. I asked them recently to drive through Pine Plateau and tell me what they thought. This is a quote from their email to me "He did immense damage to the surrounding environment for sure and yes we could have avoided that, we had a plan in place to save the trees and plant life". 
Besides violating the covenants, we are incorporated, doing business with individuals who don't have a business license probably violates some of the Summit County ordinances, and in doing so, we are taking business away from companies that are licensed and  insured and pay local taxes which benefits all of us. 
Members car stuck $100.00
Why would we pay someone to pull a members car out of the snow? The only reason I can think of is that the person plowing the roads buried the car....but if they were licensed and insured it should have been taken care of by them. 
Sign $120.75
Roads $900.00
I would still like to know what roads, and when it was done. They wrote the check in September, I was up there through October and never saw any new road base. 
Fence $1,421.83
Move Power pole $1,300.00
This one falls under the winter plowing and widening the roads. I know where the pole was and the road there was a little narrow. Driving through the estates and taking photos of the downed trees there were several areas that were less the 10-12 feet wide and the plowing seemed to be managed just fine. I would really like to see a receipt from this one. 
Tree Removal $360.00
Bank Balance 14 June 2011 $6,729.94
19 June 2010 to 14 June 2011
Moreton and Company 24-Jun $335.00 Insurance
Dean Layton 24-Jul $372.60 Mileage, copys, Office supplies,  postage, food annual meeting.
The Bylaws, Section 4.4 " Compensation, probably covers the mileage, but it's the first time I ever heard anyone asking for it.  There have been a lot of miles driven by board members over the years and no one has ever asked for mileage.
Clarence Jones 12-Jul $11.19 Copies, annual meeting
That's reasonable. 
Dave Andrus 14-Jul $65.00 Food annual meeting.
Clarence Jones 8 Aug.  $911.83 Fence purchase from Murdocks-Eva.
I know this one is true. I was there, poles and fencing.
Alpine lock and safe 8 Aug. $205.35 Gate Keys
Keys used to cost us $10.00 a piece so this should have purchased 20 keys. 
Mark Brown 8 Aug.  $510.00 Pound fence posts.
I was there with them that day, that was all of the poles on the north end of Pine Plateau
Dave Andrus 8 Aug. $1,300.00 Move power pole (Bridger Elect.)
Clarence Jones 30 Aug.  $10.00 State of Utah annual report.
Mark Brown 6 Sept.  $360.00 Tree Removal for snow plowing
This should never have been done. 
Wyoming Waste Services 6 Sept.  $252.52 Dumpster
Mark Brown 16 Sept.  $900.00 Road Base
Dave Eyre 16 Sept.  $120.75 Sign
This one I know is good. The board asked me to design and purchase a "no trespassing sign". Its mounted on the gate in the Northwest corner of Pine Plateau. 
Mark Brown 16 Sept.  $2,700.00 Snow Plow 2010-2011
Wyoming Waste Services 13 Oct.  $505.04 Dumpster Oct-Jan
Clarence Jones 8 Nov. $54.64 Stamps, envelopes Nov 2010 mailing
Talli Andrus 24 Nov. $100.00 Snow Plowing
This one needs an explanation…
Wyoming Waste Services 8 Jan.  $5.54 Dumpster
Clarence Jones 25 Jan.  $81.81 Mail Dues letters
Wyoming Waste Services 11 Feb.  $133.04 Dumpster
Moreton and Company 11 Feb.  $816.00 Insurance
Tom Kunz 18 Feb.  $80.00 Refund overpayment of dues
Mr. Kunz thought that he needed to pay extra dues for the part of the right of way that he had purchased
Robert Evans 28-Feb $100.00 Snow removal for members veh. 
Wyoming Waste Services 9 Mar.  $267.08 Dumpster
Dean Layton 3-May $42.46 Copies, members letters.
Clarence Jones 3-May $11.18 Postage, cert. letters regarding dues
Wyoming Waste Services 9-May $274.00 Dumpster
Total amount paid to violate the covenants by widening the roads and plowing  was $7,160.00.
Total for office supplies was $492.78. In the five years that I was the secretary, with the same number of mailers, and the same number of members. I don't think I spent that much money in both terms. But stamps were two cents cheaper then....


Pine Plateau Finances.
Sunday, June 05, 2011

Finances are always a topic at the annual meetings. Last year the board raised our dues to $80.00 per lot. That gives them a budget of $10,160.00 per year for maintenance and projects. Below is a document dated 1 October 2010 from the Treasurer.

Cash on hand:
Money Market                                                $882.00
Checking                                                         $551.00
                                                            Total    $1433.00

Expected expenses to 1 April
Widen roads                                                    $700.00
Dumpster ($126x7)                                         $882.00
Equipment usage                                            $900.00 ($700-$1200)           
Snowplow                                                        $2700.00
Insurance                                                        $362.00
Snowplow mailing                                           $65.00
Dues mailing                                                   $65.00
Web Site                                                          $???
                                                                Total $5674.00
Expected expenses 1 April 2011 to 1 April 2012
Dumpster (126x12)                                         $1512.00
Snowplow                                                        $5400.00
Insurance                                                        $362.99
Web site                                                         $???
Mailings                                                         $130.00
Summer meeting lunch                                  $100.00
Chipper 4 days                                                $900.00
Fence to south boundary                                $600.00
Roadwork                                                        $2700.00
                                                            Total    $11,704.00

Money shortfall to 1 April 2012

Cash on hand                                                  $1,433.00
Dues coming 2011                                          $7,300.00
Expenses till 2012 dues                                  $17,378.00
Shortfall                                                          $8,645.00

The rest of the document was just mathematic equations stating what the budget would be by raising the dues to higher amounts.

My opinion:

With snowplowing and the dumpster, we have increased fixed expenses $6900.00. There was a discussion about raising the dues up to $130.00 per lot. That even falls short of what they need.

The way I read this,  with the current expenditures, we will have to raise the dues again. I have some real problems with some of these items.  

Document dated 24 Feb. 2011 From the Treasurer

Fixed Expenses

Dumpster                                $1,596.00
Insurance                                $816.00
Web site                                  $
Annual Report                         $10.00
                                    Total    $2,422

Still owing snowplow             +$2,700

Optional Expenses

Mailings (each)                       $80.00
Summer meeting                    $150.00
Electric Gate??/month            $
Snowplowing??                       $

Dues (127x$80.00)                  $10,160.00

# lots               =127
# cabins           =50


My opinion: I have some real questions concerning almost everyone of these items.

#1. Does the amount of money being spent benefit the majority of pine plateau members?

#2. Can the president justify the money that has been spent? What did we get for our money?

#3. I don't like these generic financial reports. I don't think there is any question that the treasurer has kept track of our money, but I would like see who that money was paid to, and did we get the best deal for our money.

I had two pages of questions, but in reality, the board members responsible for this budget are being replaced and the money has already been spent. I hoping these new board  members will look at the overall picture and not just the needs of a few.                                  

PPE Finances


Date                      #            Payee                     Purpose                                                  Amount
1/16/2013            272         Craig Silotti              Office Supplies, Fedex Office-Copies     $70.01
2/15/2013            273         Cincinnati Ins.          Liability Ins. Jan . and Feb.                    $505.00
3/20/2013            274         Craig Silotti              Office Supplies                                        $15.00
                                                                                 DEQ Copies, Annual Dues Letters
3/29/2013                            Cincinnati Ins.         Liability Ins. March                                  $238.00

4/17/2013            276         Dave Andrus(225)   Snow Removal                                       $500.00
4/17/2013            275         Matheson and Peshell   Legal Fees, Covenants                    $835.77
4/23/2013                            Cincinnati Ins.         Insurance                                                $263.00
5/17/2013                            Cincinnati Ins          Insurance, May                                       $238.00
6/5/2013              277         Mark Brown              Road Base                                          $3,500.00
6/25/2013                            Cincinnati Ins          Insurance,                                               $238.00
8/6/2013              278         Eric Mander             Off. Supplies, plaque, annual meeting    $200.29
8/7/2013                              Cincinnati Ins          Insurance,                                               $238.00
9/10/2013                            Cincinnati Ins          Insurance                                                $501.00
10/1/2013            279         Eric Mander             Office Supplies, copies, stamps, 
                                                                                     envelopes                                      $120.23
10/2/2013                            Cincinnati Ins.         Insurance                                                $238.00
10/10/2013                         Cincinnati Ins           Insurance                                                $238.00
10/17/2013                         Matheson and Peshell   Legal fees, covenant
                                                                                        work                                           $2000.00
11/13/2013                         Dave Andrus(225)     Snow Removal                                       $650.00
11/13/2013                         Cincinnati Ins.            Insurance                                              $238.00
12/5/2013            280         Craig Silotti                Office, business renewal                        $20.00
12/11/2013                         Cincinnati Ins.            Insurance                                              $238.00

Total                                                 $10,499.30

Office Supplies                                     $425.53
Insurance                                           $3,173.00
Legal Fees                                         $2,835.77
Snow Removal                                  $1,150.00
Road Base                                         $3,500.00
Total Expenditures for 2013              $11,084.30
Annual Budget                                  $10,160.00

Legal costs for the new covenants  $10,940.77
This does not include the  office supplies or mailing costs.


Date                      #           Payee                           Purpose                                             Amount
1/11/2012            254         Craig Silotti                   Business renewal/stamps                $18.80
3/14/2012            255         Craig Silotti                   Office, business renewal/stamps    $67.15
                                                                                 Labels, envelopes, copies
3/20/2012            256         Cincinnati Insur.             Insurance                                       $1,405.00
4/5/2012              257         Matheson and Peshell   Legal fees, covenant work             $3,355,00
4/18/2012            258         Robert Evans(305)        Snow emoval.                              $300.00
4/18/2012            259         Dave Andrus(225)         Snow Removal                                $300.00
6/20/2012            261         Eric Mander                   Office supplies, stamps, envelopes$172.83
6/20/2012            262         Craig Silotti                    Office supplies, stamps                   $40.50
6/20/2012            260         Eric Hale                        Office supplies,  copies, CCR's      $254.31
7/11/2012            263         Cincinnati Insur.             Insurance                                      $1,480.00
7/18/2012            265         Eric Mander                  Annual Meeting refreshments            $71.74
7/18/2012            264         Alpine lock and safe     Gate keys                                          $207.15
10/19/2012         266         Eric Hale                        Office Supplies                                  $234.00
11/1/2012            267         Matheson and Peshell   Legal fees, covenants                   $1,500.00
12/4/2012            269         Eric Mander                  Office supplies, stamps, envelopes  $233.42
12/4/2012            270         Matheson and Peshell   Legal fees, covenants                      $750.00
12/17/2012         271         Dave Andrus                   Snow Removal                                $500.00

 Total Expenditures for 2012                                                                                                                         $10,889.90

 Office Supplies                                  $1,021.01
Insurance                                           $2,885.00
Legal Fees                                         $5,605.00
Snow Removal                                  $1,100.00
Annual Meeting                                       $71.74
Gate Keys                                            $207.15
Total                                                 $10,889.90
Annual Budget                                  $10,160.00


 Date            #         Payee                                             Purpose                                   Amount

1/8/2011                 Wyoming Waste Systems            Dumpster                                  $5.54
1/25/2011               Clarence Jones                             Office, mailings                          $81.81
2/11/2011                Wyoming Waste Systems           Dumpster                                   $133.04
2/11/2011                Moreton and Company                 Insurance                                   $816.00
2/28/2011                Robert Evans(305)                       Snow Removal, stuck member $100.00
3/9/2011                  Wyoming Waste Systems           Dumpster                                   $267.08
3/9/2011                  Mark Brown                                  Snow Removal                           $2,700.00

5/3/2011                  Dean Layton                                 Office supplies, stamps             $42.46
                                                                                         envelopes, copies          
5/3/2011                  Clarence Jones                            Office supplies, certified             $11.18
5/9/2011                  Wyoming Waste Systems           Dumpster                                   $274.00
6/18/2011                Dave Andrus                                Landscape, Chipper rental         $479.50
8/11/2011                Craig Silotti for: Wyoming Waste Systems  -                                 
                                                                                   Dumpster                                    $137.00                                

8/11/2011                Office                                           Business License                        $15.00
                                Gate Keys                                                                                        $202.15
8/11/2011                Wyoming Waste Systems           Dumpster                                    $136.63
8/24/2011                Zions Bank                                    Print checks                                $20.50
9/9/2011                  Harold Biggs                                 Key lock box                                $124.00
9/19/2011                Reimbursement from Insurance company                          Minus $2030.92
11/23/2011   252      Matheson and Peshell                  Legal fees, covenants               $2500.00
12/14/2011   253      Randy Birch                                  Legal fees, covenants and        $2,077.21
                                                                                                law suit
Total                                                                                                                                                                      $8,092.18

 Dumpster                                         $953.29
Office Supplies                                 $170.95
Lockbox/Keys                                   $326.15
Legal Fees                                        $2,546.29 with the $2030.92 reimbursed by the law firm.
Insurance                                          $816.00
Snow removal                                   $2,800.00
Landscape                                        $479.50
Total Expenditures for 2011              $8,092.18
Annual Budget                                  $10,160
