Tuesday, March 5, 2019
Turn in a poacher: Phone 1-800-662-3337. Email: turninapoacher@utah.gov
Online: wildlife.utah.gov/utip
This information is taken from the 2019 Utah Fishing Guidebook. To be safe always check the proclamation to make sure items haven’t changed.
For the most part, fishing in Utah is year around but there are areas that close, check the proclamation.
Fish in our area: Rainbow Trout, Cutthroat Trout, Brook Trout, Albino Rainbow Trout, Arctic Grayling, Brown Trout and the new Tiger Trout. The Tiger Trout a cross between a Brown Trout and a Brook Trout. I have caught some and they are more aggressive than other Trout.
Utah does have a free fishing day, no license required. The 2019 date is Saturday 8 June.
Fishing License for under 12 years of age.
If you’re under 12 years of age, you do not need a fishing license to fish in Utah. You can fish without a license, use two poles, use a setline and take a full daily limit.
Fishing with more than one pole
You can now fish with two poles at any water in the state during its open fishing season. You may keep only one daily limit of fish. Using a second pole does not allow you to keep two daily limits of fish. You must stay within sight of your equipment, poles no more than 100 feet apart.
Fishing from a boat with a motor of any kind is prohibited on the following waters:
Butterfly Lake, Lily Lake (south slope), Moosehorn Lake, Pass Lake and Teapot Lake.
Fishing from a boat with a gas engine is prohibited (an electric motor may be used) on the following waters:
Mirror Lake, Trial Lake, and Washington
Fishing regulations in our area:
Uinta Mountains Lakes and Streams.
"Daggett, Duchesne, Summit, Uintah and Wasatch counties includes streams and lakes in Utah within the boundary beginning on I-80 at the Utah-Wyoming state line southwest of Evanston, Wyoming and continuing southwest along I-80 to Highway 40 (near Park City); then east along Highway 40 to Vernal, Utah, then north along Highway 44 to Manila, Utah; then west on Highway 43 to the Wyoming state line; and then west and north along the Wyoming state line back to the beginning point at I 80.
Limit 4 trout.
Bonus limit of 4 Brook trout (total limit of no more than 8 trout if at least 4 are brook trout)".
Remember, always look when coming out of your cabin or vehicle, It's not fun to scare a moose.
Some of the Wildlife in our area.
The first photos of a live wolverine were captured on trail camera in July of 2014 on the North Slope of the Uinta’s. Wolverines had not been seen since 1979. If you happen to see one or better, photograph one; please contact the Division of Wildlife Resources..
Wolves have also been seen in Utah and not far from Pine Plateau. Again, if you see one, call DWR.
List of Mammal's that could be seen in our area. Check off the one's that you have seen.
Any good photos are appreciated and will be posted.
Badger ___ Mule Deer___ Bigfoot_____
Beaver ___ Muskrat___
Big Brown Bat___ Northern Flying Squirrel___
Black Bear___ Northern Pocket Gopher___
Bobcat ___ Pica___
Coyote ___ Pine Martin___
Elk___ Porcupine___
Gray Fox___ Raccoon___
Least Chipmunk___ Red Fox___
Little Brown Bat___ Red Squirrel___
Long-Tailed Weasel___ Silver Haired Bat___
Lynx___ Snowshoe Hare___
Mink___ Striped Skunk___
Montane Vole ___ Uinta Chipmunk___
Moose___ Uinta Ground Squirrel
Mountain Cottontail___ Western Spotted Skunk___
Mountain Goat___ White Tailed Jackrabbit___
Mountain Lyon___ Wolverine___
Yellow Bellied Marmot___
Birds in our area. There are over 125 different birds that could be seen in our area. Listed are some of the most common.
Mallard___ Great Horned Owl___ Mountain Bluebird___
Goshawk___ Barn Owl___ Cedar Waxwing___
Cooper's Hawk Broad Tailed Hummingbird___ Starling___
Sharp Shinned Hawk___ Black Chinned Hummingbird___ House Sparrow___
Rough Legged Hawk___ Rufous Hummingbird___ Western Meadowlark___
Red Tailed Hawk___ Hairy Woodpecker___ Red Winged Blackbird___
Golden Eagle___ Downy Woodpecker___ Brewer's Blackbird___
Osprey___ Western Kingbird___ Northern Oriole___
Peregrine Falcon___ Barn Swallow___ Western Tanager___
American Kestrel___ Cliff Swallow___ Pine Grosbeak___
Sage Grouse___ Stellar's Jay___ House Finch___
Great Blue Heron___ Scrub Jay___ American Goldfinch___
Sandhill Crane___ Gray Jay___ Chipping Sparrow___
Killdeer___ Black Billed Magpie___ White Crowned Sparrow___
Snipe___ Common Raven___ Fox Sparrow___
Rock Dove___ Common Crow___ Lincoln's Sparrow___
Mourning Dove___ Black Capped Chickadee___ Song Sparrow___
Screech Owl___ Robin___
Wildlife News